How to backup and restore the mongo database on server in windows server

    Posted in Windows Servers on Feb 13, 2020


    How to generate the Mongo DB Backup on windows server

    Go to the mongo executable file path and run the command for take dB dump:

    mongodump.exe --host localhost --port [dB authentication port]  --db [DB name] --username [user name]--password [Password] --out [backup path ]
    For example:  mongodump.exe --host localhost --port 35615  --db clt --username cloudtechtiq --password abcd@123 --out D:\Backup\clt13022020


    How to restore the Mongo db backup on windows server

    Go to the mongo executable file path and run the command for restore database:

    mongorestore --host localhost --port [authentication port] --username [db user name] --password [db user password] --authenticationDatabase [db name]  [location of dump file]
    For Example:  mongorestore --host localhost --port 35615 --username clt --password abcsd!@31 --authenticationDatabase cloudtechtiq D:\Backup\clt13022020


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