How to generate the Mongo DB Backup on windows server
Go to the mongo executable file path and run the command for take dB dump:
mongodump.exe --host localhost --port [dB authentication port] --db [DB name] --username [user name]--password [Password] --out [backup path ]
For example: mongodump.exe --host localhost --port 35615 --db clt --username cloudtechtiq --password abcd@123 --out D:\Backup\clt13022020
How to restore the Mongo db backup on windows server
Go to the mongo executable file path and run the command for restore database:
mongorestore --host localhost --port [authentication port] --username [db user name] --password [db user password] --authenticationDatabase [db name] [location of dump file]
For Example: mongorestore --host localhost --port 35615 --username clt --password abcsd!@31 --authenticationDatabase cloudtechtiq D:\Backup\clt13022020
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