By default, all backup data is stored in the directory /var/lib/psa/dumps.
To change the default backup location, follow these steps:
Connect to a Plesk server via SSH.
Create a new directory for backups. In these example, we are using /plesk_backups:
# mkdir /plesk_backups
Set necessary ownership for the created directory:
# chown psaadm:psaadm /plesk_backups
Modify the backup location in the Plesk configuration file /etc/psa/psa.conf:
Open the file /etc/psa/psa.conf in a text editor (for example, vi editor).
Change the value of DUMP_D to the created directory from step 2
# Backups directory
DUMP_D /plesk_backups
Save the changes and close the file.
Verify that the directory has been changed:
# cat /etc/psa/psa.conf | grep -w DUMP_D
DUMP_D /plesk_backups
Move all backup data and the hidden .discovered directory from the old location to new:
# mv /var/lib/psa/dumps/* /plesk_backups/
# mv /var/lib/psa/dumps/.discovered/ /plesk_backups/
Restart the "sw-cp-server" service:
# service sw-cp-server restart
Now all backup files will be stored in the directory /plesk_backups.